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Large Animal Services 

Large Animal Services

Beef Services 


  • Herd fertility visits - routine visit to reach target for efficiency of production 

  • Heifer Pelvic measuring - using the pelvimeter, heifer measurements can be extrapolated to ensure heifers have adequate pelvic size for calving. Ultrasound maturity scoring 

  • Bull Breeding Soundness Exam & Lameness plans

  • TB Testing- Both whole herd, pre & post movement testing

  • Infectious Diseases -CHECS accreditation schemes ,BVD, Lepto, IBR, Johnes & TB   

  • Herd Health Planning - including working alongside VetImpress & WLBA to help future management with antibiotic awareness & monitoring. Developing  vaccination protocols 

  • Diagnostics - Blood sampling, worm egg counts & bulk milk samples

We offer Beef, Dairy & Sheep young stock management plans. Our plans cover colostrum intake monitoring by blood analysis, weight gain monitoring, disease prevention program, and heifer fertility monitoring.  You will have a designated vet assigned to work with you.

For more information on Young Stock Management plans, please call the surgery on 01341 422212

Our dedicated team of vets offer a range of routine and non routine procedures.

Sheep Services 

  • Sheep Flock Health Club led by our in house vet Claire Jones; M,R,C,V,S.,

  • Pregnant ewes & lambing time- metabolic profiling (pregnant ewes), housing & feeding assessments & lambing mortality 

  • Parasite control- faecal worm egg counts,  fluke egg counts, parasite control plans (inc, worms, fluke, sheep scab, fly-strike, lice etc) Testing for anthelmintic (wormer & flukicide) resistance. 

  • Sheep reproduction -ram breeding soundness examinations, ram vasectomy, breeding season advancement & synchronisation, investigation of poor performance, abortion advice

  • Barren Ewe/ abortion investigations  -  investigations can help detect diseases such as Enzootic abortion or Toxoplasma. Vaccination plans can be recommended

  • Disease diagnosis & control ill-thrift/poor growth rate investigation, post-mortem,

  • Lameness - prevention plans

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Dairy Services 

  • Herd fertility visits - routine visit to reach target for efficiency of production 

  • Bull Breeding Soundness Exam

  • Infectious Diseases -CHECS accreditation schemes ,BVD, Lepto, IBR, Johnes & TB   

  • Dairy Data Analysis- Trends of disease such as mastitis, lameness & herd fertility issues

  • Heifer Pelvic measuring 

  • Herd Health Planning - including working alongside VetImpress & WLBA to help future management with antibiotic awareness & monitoring Developing  vaccination protocols 

  • TB Testing- Both whole herd, pre and post movement testing

Lameness - prevention plans

  • Mastitis Control Plan

  • Diagnostics - Blood sampling, worm egg counts & bulk milk samples 

Our team want to help by working with you, to safeguard farming in Wales for the future

Equine Services

Routine Services:


  • Vaccinations

  • Annual health and weight checks

  • Worming - Egg counts and treatment

  • Microchipping and Passports

We also offer: 1st Opinion


  • Lameness investigation

  • Colic Emergencies 

  • Blood testing

  • Cushing investigations

Factsheets and Useful Links

  • Facebook
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